La Serva Padrona - Libretto

Act 1

Arioso - Aspettare

Uberto: Aspettare, e non venire, Waiting - but no-one comes,

Stare a letto, e non dormire, Lying in bed - but not sleeping,

Ben servire, e non gradire, Well served - but without love,

Son tre cose da morire. These three things will be the death of me!

Recitative - By God, it’s a disgrace!

Uberto: By God, it’s a disgrace!  It’s been three hours I’m waiting, and yet Serpina my maid has not yet brought my cup of chocolate!  And I wanted to leave early!  Oh patience, blessed patience!  I clearly see my extending to her consideration brings naught to me but constant aggravation.  Serpina?  Serpina!  Not a sound!  And you (to Vespone) are no better!  You stand there like you’re sleeping!  Time to wake up now!  Tell me, you blockhead, what’s happened?  Go quickly and find “her highness”!  See what detains my “precious maid”!  (to Serpina)  Please remember, I’m the master!

Serpina: And I Sir, I the servant?  Must I always be ill treated?  Must I always be defeated?  Oh no, Sir!  I am hereby demanding, with no misunderstanding, the respect due a mistress.  Yes, nothing less than due a mistress!

Uberto: For what reason?  Did I not ask for a cup of chocolate?

Serpina: Well, why the hurry?

Uberto: You dare say, “why the hurry” when I’ve been waiting since early morning?

Serpina: And when should I fetch it, “dearest master”?

Uberto: At once, “dear mistress”!

Serpina: Oh, no, no, it’s too late now.  And nearly time to prepare your lunch!

Uberto: And so then?

Serpina: And so then.  No chocolate for today Sir!  We must try to forget it.  My “handsome master”, please don’t be offended!

Aria - There’s always trouble

Uberto: There’s always trouble when you are near!

It’s high and low,

And to and fro,

And yes and no,

I’ve had enough now.

So don’t pretend, your ways to mend,

This is the end!

Do you agree with me?

Should I be crying?  No!

Should I be dying?  No!

Morning, noon and night there’s trouble, when you are near!

And one day soon you’ll start to cry for your disgrace,

And you’ll know your place;

You’ll see I’m right!

You know I’m right!

Recitative - It all adds up to this, then!

Serpina: It all adds up to this, then!  Though I try to please all my efforts seem to be in vain.

Uberto: Oh you poor thing!  Just listen!

Serpina: And I ask, is it worth it, if, in return, I receive this sort of treatment.

Uberto: Oh how unfair!  Forgive me!

Serpina: Do not make fun!

Uberto: Our “mistress” is unhappy!

Serpina: And yet you will regret what you are doing.  The reprimand you made was quite un- called for.

Uberto: You argue like a lawyer!

Serpina: First you tease me, then wonder why I get angry?

Uberto: Oh no, not that dear, heavens no!  Please don’t get angry!

Aria - Why must you be so defiant?

Serpina:Why must you be so defiant?

Why can’t you be compliant?

Oh, no!  Pouting will not avail you!

Oh, no!  Shouting will also fail you!

My dear, why cause a riot?

Be quiet!

Oh just shut up!

Hush!  Hush!

Serpina wants it so!

Believe me when I tell you, Sir,

You would’t last a day without me here,

You could not live without me!

Recitative - Oh very well!

Uberto: Oh very well!  Did you hear her?  I must try to be content without my cup of chocolate.  I would not dare to disobey our “dear Mistress”!

Serpina: What are you saying?

Uberto: Vespone!  This very moment, yes this instant, help me find a wife.  No matter if she’s a hag!  No matter if she’s a shrew she will do!  I’ll quickly marry her just to rid myself forever of this witch!

Serpina: The fool is trapped!  He’s in a stew!  Get married?  It’s good for you!  I approve!

Uberto: You approve?  That’s not bad!  She approves!  With your consent I’ll marry.

Serpina: Yes, but you’ll marry me.

Uberto: You?

Serpina: Surely.

Uberto: Oh no!

Serpina: Oh yes!

Uberto: Leave me, please, my dear girl.

Serpina: You meant to say, “dear bride”!?

Uberto: May heaven protect me, or she will be my death.

Serpina: Oh, you are mistaken.  Not death, but life, when I become your wife!

Uberto: By your dreams and your schemes, I will not be taken!

Duetto - Why deny it?

Serpina:Why deny it when you twinkling eyes betray you?

They do!  They betray you!

Though your lips they may say no, no, no,

Still your twinkling eyes say yes, yes, yes!

Uberto: You’re mistaken - very much so!

Too high - much too high - your fancies fly!

Both my lips and eyes say no, no, no;

All the rest is just a guess, yes, yes!

Serpina:Oh why?

You know I am pretty,

Charming and witty,

And very clever.

Need you look afar

When here’s your star?

Now just give in!

Uberto: Heaven keep me from consenting,

Sure as sin,

If I should weaken, she will win!

Serpina:I think he is relenting!

Do consent dear?

Uberto: No, never!

Serpina:Ever more your joy I’ll be,

Just consent and marry me!


Your joy I’ll be!

Uberto: No, never!

This will not be!

Act II

Recitative - Now that you have agreed

Serpina: Now that you have agreed, oh do be careful, we must not fail, Vespone!  Act your part with conviction.  If I succeed in marrying the master, all that you ask for, I’ll give.  Vespone, quickly change then hide over there.  When it’s time, I’ll call you!

Uberto: May I, my dear maiden, if it’s not too much… could I have a cup of chocolate?

Serpina: Oh, dear Sir!  For my part, the game is over, and no more will I bore you with my ill-mannered ways.

Uberto: Heaven be praised!

Serpina: Will you marry quite soon?

Uberto: Yes, that is true, but, my dear, not to you!

Serpina: Do as you may.  The time has come when I must think of me.  I have found me a husband.

Uberto: Congratulations!  And did you find him ready and waiting to be married?

Serpina: At times the wheel of fate spins fast, “dearest Master”!  He is a pirate!

Uberto: Okay.  What’s his name?

Serpina: His name is Captain Tempest!  And his name describes his character to perfection.  He is not very sociable.

Uberto: That’s bad.

Serpina: At times he’s violent.

Uberto: That’s worse.

Serpina: And quite uncontrollable.

Uberto: Heavens no!

Serpina: And when he’s angry, he is fearsome.  He takes things and breaks things, he smashes and crashes and so forth!

Uberto: But that would grieve me deeply, because I’m very fond of you dear, why deny it?

Serpina: I am grateful.  But meanwhile, I wish you the best, Sir.  God bless you and the maid you marry, but I hope you will think of me sometimes.

Uberto: Heaven forgive you, dear!  Was there need of this sad conclusion?  Or of this mad confusion?

Aria - Your’ll remember your Serpina

Serpina:You’ll remember your Serpina,

Every day with a heavy heart.

You will say then, “I was so foolish, oh so foolish!”

Oh dear, you’ll love me still,

And you always will.

Not quite ready, no.

But unsteady though!

So more tender I will be.

If at times I did displease you,

Please forgive me.

It was only just to tease you,

How wrong of me.

Now you can see he comes closer to me;

Wait and see.

Accompagnato - Oh, no!

Uberto: Oh, no!  My dear Serpina, you can be sure that I never will forget you.

Serpina: Would you care to see the Captain?

Uberto: Yes.

Serpina: Then I will fetch him now.

Uberto: Now we shall see, her explosive husband,

Will maltreat her, and very likely beat her!

Surely she needs protection?

I must make know my intentions!

But she’s a servant.

Why not defy convention?

Would I, then, marry her?

Never!  No, this folly never!

But these thoughts will not leave me,

Not leave me ever.

Wait now; I have watched her grow;

She is worthwhile, I know.

Am I insane?

Calmly consider,

Or these dark clouds remain.

But what is this tenderness I feel?

Is it pity, or love?

Ye Gods!  I start again,

Oh, what confusion!

Aria - Oh, what a sorry mess

Uberto: Oh, what a sorry mess

That gives me great distress.

There is no use concealing,

This ever present feeling,

Is pity or is love?

But something seems to tell me

I must think of myself.

Recitative - My dear Captain, come in.

Serpina: My dear Captain, come in.

Uberto: Oh, Serpina, the Captain?

Serpina: Yes, the Captain.

Uberto: Heaven protect her!  What a lout!  What a type beyond description.  (To Vespone) My dear Sir, lovely to meet you, Captain.  I hear you desire to marry my Serpina?  Oh well.  My loss your gain, Sir.  Oh well.  I wish for you both the best.  Oh well.  (To Serpina) He seems to be a man of very few words.

Serpina: He very rarely speaks.  (To Vespone) Yes dear?  (To Uberto) Imagine what he said!

Uberto: What, Serpina?

Serpina: You must give me now my dowry.

Uberto: Give you your dowry?  What dowry?  What dowry?

Serpina: Don’t shout, shouting makes him angry.

Uberto: And when in anger he will take things and break things.  But not here, do not fear.

Serpina: Oh dear!  Now you can see he is quite furious!

Uberto: Oh, the devil!  Calm him please.  What will this scoundrel yet force me to do, what does he want?

Serpina: The dowry must be four thousand crowns.

Uberto: What!  Just a mere trifle, only four thousand crowns?!  Listen, you pirate… (Vespone threatens him) now hold on, Sir…. Serpina, do control him… Vespone, where’s that blockhead?

Serpina: But dear master, you are to blame for all this useless trouble.

Uberto: Do come here.  This engagement, can it be broken?

Serpina: Well yes and no, it might be broken.  Excuse me.  (“Listens” to Vespone) Either you give to me, here and now, four thousand crowns, or he will not marry me.

Uberto: He said that?

Serpina: He said that.

Uberto: And if he does not wed you, what’s that to me?

Serpina: Then you must marry me.

Uberto: He said that?

Serpina: He said that.  Unless you wish to be cut up in pieces.

Uberto: (To Vespone) You said that?  Why, how dare you?  Wait, don’t precipitate.  I capitulate.  Sir, I will marry her.

Serpina: Do you swear on your life?

Uberto: Yes!  So all is well?

Serpina: And all thanks to Vespone!  (Vespone is revealed)

Uberto: Oh, you scoundrel, you could you help her to trick me?

Serpina: Come now, my dear, no more temper.  I am your wife to be, remember?

Uberto: It’s true.  And I love you, Serpina.

Serpina: E di serva divenni io già padrona. And that’s how the maid became the mistress.

Duetto finale - Forever, oh forever

Serpina:Forever, oh forever,

I will be true to you.

Uberto: Forever, oh forever,

I will be true to you.

Serpina:To you, I ever will be true,

Uberto: To you, I ever will be true.

Serpina:And never this step regret?

Uberto: Oh no, my pet!

Serpina:And never your love forget?

Uberto: Oh no, my pet!

Serpina:My faithful love ever?

Uberto: My only one forever.


Uberto: Forever.

Serpina:Then life will be a constant joy for me.

Uberto: Yes, life will be a constant joy for me.

Serpina:Our life a joy will be!

Uberto: Our life a joy will be!